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Lakeside High School

Dekalb County Schools

Unit 1: Atomic Structure and Periodicity


Welcome to Chemistry
Syllabus   - signed syllabus is due by Wednesday 8-9
Intro, class rules, student information
Bell Work: complete student info sheet and turn in


lab safety video with questions - Lab Accident at Jefferson High (you tube)
lab safety form- to be signed and returned
students were informed that there would be a quiz this Friday on Lab safety and Lab equipment.
Bell work:
1. when are tutorials?
2. who is responsible for getting makeup work?
3. How many days do you have to complete makeup work?
4. Can you retake tests or quizzes?  


Bell work:
1. list 3 lab appropriate behaviors 
2. list 3 inappropriate lab behaviors 
*** lab safety and equipment quiz on Friday, this may also include some fundamentals of experimental design. 
Today: lab equipment handout, fundamentals of experimental design activity. 
Tonight: complete parts 1-3 of fundamentals of experiemental design activity
The graded part of this assignment is the extension activity (questions 14 and 15) which will be due on Friday.  



A student wishes to determine how taking aspirin on a daily basis affects a persons cholesterol level.

Idenitfy the indpendent variable, the dependent variable, control varialbes and control group. 

in class - we discussed the rest of fundamentals of experimental design worksheet (extension page is due tomorrow)
hand out/classowork:
remember: lab safety, lab equipment, and fundamentals of experimental design quiz tomorrow.  
Today - fundamentals of experimental design extension questions were turned in 
quiz on lab safety, lab equipment and fundamentals of experimental design.
Bell work: A student wishes to determine how adding salt to water effects the boiling point of hte water.
Identify the independent variable, the dependent variable, the best type of graph for graphing the data and the variables on the x and y axis of the graph.  


Bell work: you will need to get this from me this time


Bell work:
Identify the number of significant figures in the following: 
1) 104 cm
2) 2.99 mL 
3) 450 mL
4) 12 people 
5) 10.0 mL 
6) 1000 g 
7) 1000. g
Lesson: rounding to the appropriate numbers of sig figs, sig figs and calculations 
HW: complete 1-10 on the bottom of the worksheet that we worked on in class. 
complete project ideas form by Monday 8/21/2017 


Bell work: calculate ad report answr to the correct number of sig figs: :
1) 10.0 g / 59 mL = 
2) 5.40 g/L x 2.90 L =
3) (5.39g - 2.99 g) / 3.00 mL =
CW: unit 1 pre assessment, issue text books continue working with sig figs and calculations
HW: finish sig fig worksheet given out today (yesterday for 5th period)
Sig fig quiz on Friday  


Bell work:
round the following number to the given number of sig figs: 186,200,000
round to 5 sig figs : 
round to 3 sig figs 
round to 2 sig figs: 
round to 1 sig fig: 
CW: go over sig figs and calculations worksheet - quiz tomorrow
Practice the basics of scientific notation and learn how to put numbers in scientific notation into your calcultor 


bell work:
1) 3.33 x 10 ^13 m    X   2.45 x 10 ^17 m = 
2) 7.79 x 10 ^23 g/mL  X   3.56 x 10 ^ 13 mL = 
3) 4.5 x 10 ^13 g  - 76. x 10 ^ 15 g = 
4) 7.70 x 10 ^ 12 mL +  4.70 x 10 ^ 10 mL = 
quiz today - sig figs and calcuations 
intro to metric system 
HW: science fair project idea form is due on Monday


Bell work:
1) which unit is larger: milli or micro
2) how many times larger is a milli than a nano? 
3) convert (using a Tchart) 3.49 cm  to hm
4) convert (using a Tchart) 3.49 x 1017 nm to m
CW: finish going over metric conversion notes; finish metric system worksheet 
TURN IN: Science fair project ideas


Bell work: 
1) 1 Mhz = ? hz
2) 1 hz = ? Mhz
3) 1 mm = ? m
4) 1 m = ? mm
5) 1 m = ? nm
6) 1 nm = ? m
went over the basics of dimensional analysis including single step problems, problems involving converting numerator and denominator, and prolems involving numbers that are squared or cubed
DUE FRIDAY: scientific notation ws, metric conversion ws, and dimensional analysis ws 
QUIZ: there will be a quiz over the metric stair step on Friday - you need to be able to recreate it yourself and be able to use it.  


Bellwork: The recommended calcium intake or teenagers is 1300 mg per day. A glass of milk contains 305 mg of calcium. One glass contains a volume of 8 fluid ounces. How many liters of milk should a teenager drink per day to get the recommended amount of calcium? One fluid ounce equals 29.6 mL.
CLASSWORK: small groups work together on density and percent error. (this will be continued and completed tomorrow) density and percent error


Bellwork: there is not one for today
Classwork: students will work in the same small groups as yesterday and will complete and turn in the denisty and percent error packet that was given out yesterday 
HW: there will be a metric conversion quiz on Friday (8/25) and you will NOT be allowed to use your notes therefore you will have to KNOW the metric chart and be able to use it without looking at it. 


Bellwork: You have 15 g of hemoglobin in every 100 mL of your blood. 10.0 mL of your blood can carry 2.01 mL of oxygen. How many milliliters of oxygen does each gram of hemoglobin carry?
Turned in: scientific notation ws, metric conversion ws, and dimensional analysis worksheet 
Quiz: metric conversions 
After quiz: finish classifications of matter packet.


Warm up: 1) draw and label a graduated cylinder with 15.0 mL of water. 2) draw and label a graduated cylinder with water and an object at a total volume of 20.0 mL. 3) what is the volume of the object (use numbers 1 and 2). 4) If the object has a mass of 20.0 g then what is the objects density?  5) If the actual density is 4.2 g/mL then what is the percent error? 
HW: complete the back of the graphic organizer.  


bell work:
1) a 15.25 g object causes the water in a graduated cylinder to rise from 21.6 mL to 25.7 mL. What is the density of the object? 
 2) what would be the volume of 10.20 g of the object from number one?
3) use a T chart to convert 75 miles per hour to meters /minute. 
CW: begin physical/chemical properties and changes lab. 


Bell work: 

Which of the following are the same and which are different? 

1) a substance and a pure substance
2) a heterogeneous mixture and a solution
3) a homogeneous mixture and a solution
4P list 3 pure substances, 3 homogeneous mixtures and 3 heterogenesou mixtures
Turned in: classification of matter graphic organizer and questions.  
CW: complete part B and C of physical chemical properties lab
HW: none/ study  


Bell work:
1) list 3 physical properties
2) list 3 physical changes 
3) list 3 chemical changes 
CW: percent composition ws 
DUE NEXT TUESDAY (9-4-2017) - science fair project idea 


Bell work:
1) calculate the percent composition of Al2(SO4)3
2) how many grams of oxygen would be in 250.0 grams of the above compound? 
TURNED IN: bell work
*** Science Fair project question due TUESDAY 9-5
*** Chapter 2and 3 test next Thursday  9-7
Lesson: physical properties - extensive and intensive
            Physical changes and chemical changes 
            Law of Conservation of Mass 
 CW (due Wednesday) Law of Conservation of Mass ws ( I am currently unable to make a link to this assignment) 


Bell work: A student places 23.8 g of element X into a cotainer with 42.9 g of element Y and they are allowed to react. After the reaction 2.3 g of elements X and 4.5 g of element Y remains. Wha is the mass of the compound formed? What is the percent by mass of the compound formed? 
Turned in: science fair project question


Bell work:
1) list 2 ways in which physical changes are different than chemical changes 
2) are phase changes physical or chemical changes? Explain. 
3) how are physical changes and chemical changes the same? 
CW: we discussed the log book for science fair (resource distributed), discussed the project plan (resource provided) and the GSEF paperwork (link was shown in class) 
GSEF paperwork and project plan are due September 18. 


Bell work:
CW: chapter 1-3 test 
after test: development of the modern atomic theory 


Bell work:
1) what did you think of the test? 
2) what are atoms made up of? 
3) did you go to the bon fire? 
4) who won the powderpuff football game? 
Notes: development of modern atomic theory/ make up of the atom


Bell work: there is no bell work this week
HW: complete worksheets and bring in GSEF forms and a detailed procedure for Monday 


Bell work:
P= 4, E = 4, N= 5 
a) identify the element
b) write the isotopic notation
Turned in: atomic theory and structure ws from Friday and science fair project plan and paperwork 
Lesson: ions, isotopes and average atomic mass 


Bell work: 
1) how is an ion different than an atom?
2) how are ions formed?
        - name of positive ion? 
       - name of negative ion?
3) complete: and replace element symbol  with the actual element symbol
 element symbol - 10 element symbol - 12
protons   6 
 electrons  6
CW: calculating the average atomic mass of beanium activity 
Quiz tomorrow: atomic structure, ions and isotopes 


Bell work: 
1) which subatomic particle is virtually massless? who discovered this particle?
2) where is all of the mass of the atom? who discovered this part of the atom?
 3) what is an isotope?
4) Identify the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in Cr3+  .  Write the isotopic notation 
CW: atomic structure, isotopes and ions quiz.
We are going to begin discussing nuclear fusion and nuclear fission, radioactive isotopes and nuclear equations.
there is no homework, the discussion will be continued tomorrow 


Bell work: 
1) since nuclear changes sometimes cause an element to turn into another what must change? 
2) what nuclear change occurs in the sun? 
3) what nuclear change occurs in nuclear power plants? 
4) what nuclear change formed the elements? 
Lesson: radioactive isotopes, radiation, nuclear equations


Bell work:
nuetron + U - 235 ==== which two particles + 3 neutrons 
A)  Kr : 36 P, 53 N
B) Sr; 38 P, 56 N
C) He; 2P, 2N
D ) Ba; 56 P, 88 N
E) Pu: 94 P, 150 N
F) 2 electrons 
today the students will introduce themselves to half lifes by doint the half life of pennium activity and answering the questions. On Monday we will discuss the activity, take notes on half lifes and answer the questions (if needed) to today's activity. 


1) what is the percent composition of magnesium hydroxide? Mg(OH)2
2) how many grams of magnesium would be in 25.0 g of magnesium hydroxide? Mg(OH)2
3) how do the following types of radiation affect the mass number and atomic number? - gamma, alpha, beta?
Lesson: how to solve half life problems


Bell work:
1) how many half lives have passed if 7/8 of a radio-isotope has decayed? 
2) what fraction of a radio-isotope remains after 4 half lives? 
Lesson: dual nature of light, chapter 5 section 1 of the text


Bell work: 
1) An FM radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 94.7 MHz, and AM station broadcasts at a frequency of 820 kHz. WHat are the wavelengths of the two broadcasts? Draw a wave to represent both. 
2) The microwaves used to heat food have a wavelength of 0.125 m. Wat is the energy of a photon with this wavelength? 
CW: go over any questions about yesterday's work (speed, wavelength, frequency and energy)
Lesson: the basics of electron configurations ( we will practice the skill in class tomorrow)  - prinicipal energy levels, subshells, numbers of orbitals in subshells


Bell work:
1) What is the energy of an EM wave with a wavelength of 2.45 x 10 12 m? 
Quiz tomorrow over dual nature of light (study the worksheet that we went over in class today and your notes from Monday and section 1 of chapter 5) 
Today - we went over the chapter 5 section 1 worksheet, recieved a handout regarding the next due date for science fair (first draft of research paper)  wrote down a few more points about electron configurations, and began working on writing and understanding electron configurations


Bell work:
1) write the electron configuration for arsenic. 
2) how many valence electrons does arsenic have? 
3) Identify the elements that end in the following: 4P3 , 4d7 , 1s
In class - turned in speed, wavelength and energy worksheet, turned in warm ups, took a quiz and finished the electron configuration worksheet from yesterday (due Monday) 
   some students played electron configuration battleship


Bell work:
1) write the isotopic notation for the following (include charge) 
an element with 31 protons, 28 electrons and 40 neutrons 
2) write the electron configuration for germanium 
CW: we went over the electron configuration worksheet and took notes on how group numbers and period numbers relate to valence electrons, we discussed noble gases and how other elements form ions to obtain their own noble gas configuration and we discussed electron dot structures 
no work, just going over work and learning new info 
Chapter 4-5 test next Tuesday - protons, neutrons, electrons, isotopes, calculating average atomic mass, ions, e- configurations, orbital diagrams, noble gas notation and electron dot structures 


Bell work:
1) what is the average atomic mass of an element with the following isotopes: 
63Cu -  62.93 amu; 60.09% abundant
65Cu - 64.93 amu; 30.91 % abundant 
2) What element has 7 valence on the 5th energy level? 
3) Write the electron dot structure for the element in number 2. 
In class - passed out graded work; students worked on electron config ws 3    
(numbers 10 and beyond pertain to yesterday's notes and numbers 1-9 pertain to today's notes)
We then went over how Pauli's Exclusion Principle, Hund's Rule, orbital diagrams and noble gas abbreviated versions of electron configurations. 


Bell work: there is no bell work today 
Flame Test
Have a lovely fall break!!! 


Bell work: 
1. write the noble gas abbreviated configuration for Tungsten (atomic number 74) 
2. write the orbital diagram for carbon (atomic number 6) 
Students turned in rough draft of 1st part of science fair paper
Students received the study guide for Thursday's test 


PSAT testing therefore no class.


1) can energy come in any amount or only in discrete amounts called quanta? 
2) how are wavelength and energy related? 
3) what has a higher wavelength: red or violet? 
CHAPTER 4 and 5 test today 


students graphed and analyzed the trends in atomic radii, ionization energy (first) and electronegativity


Bell work: 
What types of elements lose electrons to obtain a stable octet?  What types of elements gain electrons?
Lesson: periodicity 
worksheet and graphs are due in class on Wednesday; the Unit 1 post assessment will also be on Wednesday 
The first draft of the science paper is due back on Friday.  


Bell work: 
1) identify the element in the group with the largest atomic radius: 
a) silicon and chlorine
b) sodium and cesium
2) identify the element in the group with the highest first ionization energy: 
a) Nitrogen and flourine         b) calcium and strontium 
3) What is the largest element on the periodic table? 
4) what is the smallest element on the periodic table? (omit noble gases)
in class: we went over student questions pertaining to periodicity and the questions you have to answer. We also played a Kahoot game on periodicity
Unit 1 assessment (county assessment is tomorrow)  
Graphs and worksheet are due tomorrow.  


Bell work:
1) Arrange the following in order of increasing atomic radius: 
Al, Si, Na, Mg
2) Arrange in order of increasing ionization energy: 
Li, F, N, O
3) List three reasons whey the atomic radius increases as you go down a group. 
In class - we went over the periodicty worksheet and turned in the periodicity graphs
We took the Unit 1 post assessment and recieved more periodicity questions.